A list of Zapier actions and triggers
Whether you want to integrate Pluvo with other applications within your organization (e.g., CRM), sell e-learnings via a Shop, or synchronize reports with your back-office, these choices rely on a fast and efficient way to address these issues.
Zapier provides a 'No-Code' solution for integrating Pluvo with numerous other applications. Ready to start with this integration? Check out https://zapier.com/apps/pluvo/integrations and create your first integration instantly.
For a multi-step Zap, you'll need a paid Zapier account. You can get it starting at €20.21/month and try it for free. Additionally, you need a paid Pluvo subscription.
Also helpful: Besides Zapier, you can also directly access our API to manage your custom solutions. To access our API, you need a Premium subscription. For more inquiries about our API, please contact us via chat.
How does Zapier work? Zapier is a 'click and play' method of integration. By linking Pluvo with Zapier and creating Zaps, you can easily automate tasks.
We've compiled and listed a few common integrations for you:
Link Woocommerce with Pluvo
Connect Wix webshop with Pluvo
Integrate Shopify or other webshops with Pluvo
Link your HR platform, CRM, or intranet
Trigger opening a module group
Connect a form with Pluvo
Apart from these options, the sky's the limit! Below, you'll find lists of many triggers, actions, and searches we offer via Zapier.
Triggers initiate a ZAP. They kickstart the ZAP and set it in motion. The subsequent actions determine what you aim to do with the ZAP.
User Changes
Create User
Delete User
Update User
Group Changes
Create Group
Delete Group
Update Group
Changes in Learning Path
Create E-Learning
Delete E-Learning
Update E-Learning
When a user opens a module group or fulfills a condition or assignment
Module Group Unlocked
Module Group File Uploaded
These webhooks trigger only when you add a webhook module to the module group. This ensures that not every module completion triggers and allows you to customize the reference sent.

Actions are tasks executed in a ZAP due to a trigger from another application.
Add or remove a user from a learning path
Add User to E-Learning
Remove User From E-Learning
Add or remove a user from a group
Add User to Group
Remove User From Group
Modify data for user, learning path, or group.
Update Group
Update E-Learning
Update User
A search is the capability to navigate lists and potentially search for desired information.
Searching, finding, or creating a group, learning path, or user.
Find or Create Group**
Find or Create E-Learning**
Find or Create User**
Fetching user progress
Get Progress
At Pluvo, we believe that with the above actions, triggers, and searches, you can maximize Pluvo to create a solid integration with your existing applications.
Wishing you success, and remember, we're here if you need any help
Zapier provides a 'No-Code' solution for integrating Pluvo with numerous other applications. Ready to start with this integration? Check out https://zapier.com/apps/pluvo/integrations and create your first integration instantly.
For a multi-step Zap, you'll need a paid Zapier account. You can get it starting at €20.21/month and try it for free. Additionally, you need a paid Pluvo subscription.
Also helpful: Besides Zapier, you can also directly access our API to manage your custom solutions. To access our API, you need a Premium subscription. For more inquiries about our API, please contact us via chat.
How does Zapier work? Zapier is a 'click and play' method of integration. By linking Pluvo with Zapier and creating Zaps, you can easily automate tasks.
Most Common Actions and Triggers
We've compiled and listed a few common integrations for you:
Link Woocommerce with Pluvo
Connect Wix webshop with Pluvo
Integrate Shopify or other webshops with Pluvo
Link your HR platform, CRM, or intranet
Trigger opening a module group
Connect a form with Pluvo
Apart from these options, the sky's the limit! Below, you'll find lists of many triggers, actions, and searches we offer via Zapier.
Triggers initiate a ZAP. They kickstart the ZAP and set it in motion. The subsequent actions determine what you aim to do with the ZAP.
User Changes
Create User
Delete User
Update User
Group Changes
Create Group
Delete Group
Update Group
Changes in Learning Path
Create E-Learning
Delete E-Learning
Update E-Learning
When a user opens a module group or fulfills a condition or assignment
Module Group Unlocked
Module Group File Uploaded
These webhooks trigger only when you add a webhook module to the module group. This ensures that not every module completion triggers and allows you to customize the reference sent.

Actions are tasks executed in a ZAP due to a trigger from another application.
Add or remove a user from a learning path
Add User to E-Learning
Remove User From E-Learning
Add or remove a user from a group
Add User to Group
Remove User From Group
Modify data for user, learning path, or group.
Update Group
Update E-Learning
Update User
A search is the capability to navigate lists and potentially search for desired information.
Searching, finding, or creating a group, learning path, or user.
Find or Create Group**
Find or Create E-Learning**
Find or Create User**
Fetching user progress
Get Progress
At Pluvo, we believe that with the above actions, triggers, and searches, you can maximize Pluvo to create a solid integration with your existing applications.
Wishing you success, and remember, we're here if you need any help
Updated on: 05/04/2024
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