Articles on: External Integrations

Integrating WooCommerce with Pluvo

Would you like to connect Pluvo with your Woocommerce webshop so that students are automatically linked to your e-learning after purchase? Follow the steps below.

Please note:
Ensure you have one of our Team subscription or higher.
For a multi-step Zap, you need a paid Zapier account. Get it starting at €20.21/month and try it for free.
For Woocommerce integration, you need a paid plugin. Find more information here.

Connecting with WooCommerce

Step 1: Make sure you've purchased the Woocommerce Zapier plugin.
Step 2: Pluvo connects through Zapier. If you don't have a Zapier account yet, create one here.
Step 3: In the left menu, click on 'Make a Zap'.
Step 4: Under 'When this happens', search for Woocommerce. Select '_order_' under 'choose trigger event'.
Step 5: Proceed to the next step. Here, you need to connect Zapier with your Woocommerce store. Fill in your details as shown in the image below.

Step 6: Click 'Yes, continue'.

In case of an error, ensure you've purchased the plugin and linked it to the correct account.

Step 7: Proceed to the next step. Select '_order paid_' under 'customize order'. You want people to gain access to your e-learning only after payment.

Step 8: Click continue, and then test & review to ensure the app is well connected.
Step 9: Optionally, filter 'Order paid' based on specific purchased products. Here, you can specify that the zap should only proceed for certain Order IDs purchased. Choose 'Zapier filter'.

Here, add one or more WooCommerce product IDs from the courses in your shop.

Find WooCommerce product ID in WordPress:

Then, place this number into Zapier:

Now, only the 'zaps' with the correct products will proceed.

Step 10: Now, it's wise to add an additional action called 'lowercase email'. This ensures that the user's email input will always be in lowercase, maintaining consistency no matter how the user writes their email.

Click the plus sign to create a new action and search for 'formatter by zapier'. Then, fill in the following:
Under 'Event', input 'text', and proceed to 'set up action'.
Select 'Lowercase' for Transform.
For Input, choose the user's email (billing email) from Woocommerce.

Below is an example of the 'Lowercase email' action. In Woocommerce, select 'billing email' for Input.

Connecting with Pluvo and Adding Users

Step 1: It's time to move to the next 'do this'. Select Pluvo here.
Step 2: Under 'choose action event', select 'search or create user'. You need to create or find an account before linking this person to the e-learning. Select continue.

Step 3: Under 'Choose account', link your Pluvo account with Zapier. Authorize Zapier to access your Pluvo account.

Step 4: Proceed to Set up action. The next step asks for a User Reference. Choose 'output' from the formatter (which is the email address with any capital letters converted to lowercase).

Step 5: Check 'Create Pluvo create user if it doesn't exist yet'.
Step 6: For name, select fields that correspond to the user's name. It could be a single field or, as in the example, both billing first name and billing last name. In this case, click on both, ensuring a space between them. Ensure there's a space between both fields.
Step 7: For Email, again select the email address from the formatter.
Step 8: Choose 'true' for active.
Step 9: Choose 'true' for invite if you want students to receive an invitation email for your academy. This is recommended.
Step 10: Click continue. Then select test & review to confirm the app's proper connection.

Testing and reviewing will create a user in Pluvo. After the connection, you can delete this user.

ATTENTION: When testing with a user already in Pluvo, first update the email address of the user in Pluvo to match the external reference.

Adding User to E-Learning

After creating the user, you need to add the user to your e-learning.

Step 1: Click the plus sign below the zap you just created.
Step 2: Again, select Pluvo under 'choose app'.
Step 3: Under Choose action event, select 'add user to e-learning'.
Step 4: Select the correct Pluvo account as in step 10.
Step 5: For User Reference, select the User Reference passed from Pluvo (the email address, already converted to lowercase).
Step 6: For e-learning reference, input the product ID you received from the order step. If multiple products were purchased, this step will link all e-learnings.
Step 7: Place the WooCommerce product ID into the appropriate e-learning in Pluvo. This informs Pluvo which e-learning corresponds to which product. If there's anything in the External Reference field, replace it with your product ID.

Step 8: Send invite defaults to true. The user receives an email invitation to the training. If you want them to receive an email only from the academy (in case you selected true for invite in the 'find or create user' step), then select false.
Step 9: Click test & review to confirm the app's proper connection.

Almost There!

All you need to do now is turn on the Zap and test if it works.

For the real Pros, an additional step...

Optional: Automatically Set User to Inactive After a Certain Time.

Below, we explain how to automatically archive a user within four weeks. If you want to give your users access for a longer period, this step will look a bit different. Read more here

Step 1: Click the plus sign below the zap you just created.
Step 2: Select 'Delay'.
Step 3: Fill in how long the user can remain active in Pluvo.

Step 4: Click the plus sign below the zap you just created.
Step 5: Again, select Pluvo under 'choose app'.
Step 6: Under Choose action event, select 'Update user in Pluvo'.

Step 7: Fill in the User Reference, referencing the 'user reference' from the 'Add user to e-learning' step.
Step 8: Set the Active checkbox to False.
Step 9: Turn the Zap on, and you're done!

The user will be set to inactive exactly after 'x period' and won't have access to the academy anymore.

Best of luck with the integration

Updated on: 10/07/2024

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