Create reports
With Reports, you can quickly generate a useful report, giving you a clear overview of your learning journeys and course modules in one go.
To create a report, go to management and click on reports. The reporting tool is divided into five* tabs: learning journeys, programs, meetings, certificates, and (course) modules*.
* Depending on the chosen subscription, there may be fewer tabs available.

Learning journeys: Here, you will find the results of your participants for a complete learning journey, including all course modules.
Programs: Here, you will find the results of your participants for an offer page (a subset of course modules and/or learning journeys, depending on what is linked to the offer page).
Meetings: Here, you will find the results of your participants for learning journeys and course modules linked to a meeting. This also means tracking progress for a subset of course modules and/or learning journeys, depending on what is linked to the meeting.
Certificates: This tab provides a clear overview of obtained certificates and the corresponding points achieved.
Modules: This tab displays the results of specific course modules.
Below, we discuss the reports for learning journeys, certificates, and modules in more detail. The report pages for offers and meetings are very similar to those of modules and learning journeys, so we will not cover them in further detail here. However, it is useful to understand the key difference between these pages:
Offers (programs) and meetings: Show progress for the combination of course modules and learning journeys linked to an offer page or meeting.
Learning journeys and course modules: Show progress for one specific learning journey or course module.
Under the 'learning journeys' tab, you will find a handy overview of the progress and scores of all participants across all learning journeys in your academy.
If you have multiple learning journeys in your academy, this list can become quite long. That’s why you may want to search, sort, or filter!
The search and filter options help you quickly retrieve the right data.

Search: This is useful if you want to quickly see which learning journey(s) a specific participant is enrolled in and track their progress and achieved scores.
Filter: Want to limit the number of results in the overview? Use the filter function. For example, specify a start period or select which groups should be included in the selection. You can also combine multiple filters.
In the learning journey reports, you will see a 'score' column. This score is based on the achieved scores for course modules and assignment modules within the learning journey. The weighting of the course or assignment modules is also taken into account. You set this weighting when adding the course/assignment module to the learning journey. A course module with a weighting of '2' has twice as much influence on the score as a module with a weighting of '1'.

Want to know exactly how far a participant is in your learning journey? Click on the participant's name to instantly see their progress!

Next to the filter button, you will find an export button. The results from your report will be sent to you in an Excel file via email. Note: The filter you have applied determines what is included in the export.
Under the 'certificates' tab, you get a clear overview of obtained certificates and the corresponding points achieved. Expired certificates are also clearly indicated in red.

Here too, you can filter results, for example, based on groups, expiration dates, or the learning journey/offer page linked to the certificate.
Click on a user to open the details screen for the certificate. From this details screen, you can click on profile and then on the briefcase icon to open the user's portfolio. The portfolio shows (among other things) all certificates the participant has obtained. Want to learn more about the portfolio function? Read this article.
Under the modules tab in the reports section, you can see the scores and progress of all participants across all course modules in your academy. Here too, you can search, sort, and filter.

Click on a user's name to open their user overview. You can then see the detailed progress of that course module for this participant and navigate to their profile.
Click on a course module's name from the user overview to open the course module as the participant experienced it. You can see in detail when a participant viewed each section and review their submitted answers.

Next to the filter button in reports, you will find an export button. The results from your report will be sent to you in an Excel file via email. Note: The filter you have applied determines what is included in the export.
When exporting a report, you will find standard columns with information, such as the user's name, course module progress, and time spent. However, you can also include additional user data based on categories you have created.
For example, the export may include a column for 'organisation', so you can see exactly which organisation each user belongs to.
Want to learn how to create custom categories that appear in the export? Read this article.
You may have noticed that reports for course modules include reset buttons when selecting one or more users. This allows you to reset a participant’s progress for a specific course module.

Important: Resetting progress means participants must redo the entire course module(s). Any entered answers will be lost. Only do this if you are absolutely sure!
To create a report, go to management and click on reports. The reporting tool is divided into five* tabs: learning journeys, programs, meetings, certificates, and (course) modules*.
* Depending on the chosen subscription, there may be fewer tabs available.

Learning journeys: Here, you will find the results of your participants for a complete learning journey, including all course modules.
Programs: Here, you will find the results of your participants for an offer page (a subset of course modules and/or learning journeys, depending on what is linked to the offer page).
Meetings: Here, you will find the results of your participants for learning journeys and course modules linked to a meeting. This also means tracking progress for a subset of course modules and/or learning journeys, depending on what is linked to the meeting.
Certificates: This tab provides a clear overview of obtained certificates and the corresponding points achieved.
Modules: This tab displays the results of specific course modules.
Below, we discuss the reports for learning journeys, certificates, and modules in more detail. The report pages for offers and meetings are very similar to those of modules and learning journeys, so we will not cover them in further detail here. However, it is useful to understand the key difference between these pages:
Offers (programs) and meetings: Show progress for the combination of course modules and learning journeys linked to an offer page or meeting.
Learning journeys and course modules: Show progress for one specific learning journey or course module.
Reporting on a Learning Journey
Under the 'learning journeys' tab, you will find a handy overview of the progress and scores of all participants across all learning journeys in your academy.
If you have multiple learning journeys in your academy, this list can become quite long. That’s why you may want to search, sort, or filter!
Searching and Filtering
The search and filter options help you quickly retrieve the right data.

Search: This is useful if you want to quickly see which learning journey(s) a specific participant is enrolled in and track their progress and achieved scores.
Filter: Want to limit the number of results in the overview? Use the filter function. For example, specify a start period or select which groups should be included in the selection. You can also combine multiple filters.
How Are Scores Determined?
In the learning journey reports, you will see a 'score' column. This score is based on the achieved scores for course modules and assignment modules within the learning journey. The weighting of the course or assignment modules is also taken into account. You set this weighting when adding the course/assignment module to the learning journey. A course module with a weighting of '2' has twice as much influence on the score as a module with a weighting of '1'.

Want to know exactly how far a participant is in your learning journey? Click on the participant's name to instantly see their progress!

Exporting Results
Next to the filter button, you will find an export button. The results from your report will be sent to you in an Excel file via email. Note: The filter you have applied determines what is included in the export.
Under the 'certificates' tab, you get a clear overview of obtained certificates and the corresponding points achieved. Expired certificates are also clearly indicated in red.

Here too, you can filter results, for example, based on groups, expiration dates, or the learning journey/offer page linked to the certificate.
Click on a user to open the details screen for the certificate. From this details screen, you can click on profile and then on the briefcase icon to open the user's portfolio. The portfolio shows (among other things) all certificates the participant has obtained. Want to learn more about the portfolio function? Read this article.
Reporting on a Course Module
Under the modules tab in the reports section, you can see the scores and progress of all participants across all course modules in your academy. Here too, you can search, sort, and filter.

Click on a user's name to open their user overview. You can then see the detailed progress of that course module for this participant and navigate to their profile.
Click on a course module's name from the user overview to open the course module as the participant experienced it. You can see in detail when a participant viewed each section and review their submitted answers.

Next to the filter button in reports, you will find an export button. The results from your report will be sent to you in an Excel file via email. Note: The filter you have applied determines what is included in the export.
Adding Custom Categories to Your Report
When exporting a report, you will find standard columns with information, such as the user's name, course module progress, and time spent. However, you can also include additional user data based on categories you have created.
For example, the export may include a column for 'organisation', so you can see exactly which organisation each user belongs to.
Want to learn how to create custom categories that appear in the export? Read this article.
What Does the Reset Button Do for Course Modules?
You may have noticed that reports for course modules include reset buttons when selecting one or more users. This allows you to reset a participant’s progress for a specific course module.

Important: Resetting progress means participants must redo the entire course module(s). Any entered answers will be lost. Only do this if you are absolutely sure!
Updated on: 17/02/2025
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