Articles on: General Management

Create reports

With Reports, you can easily create a useful report, providing a clear overview of your learning journeys and course modules at once.

To create a report, go to management and click on reporting. The reporting tool is divided into three tabs: portfolio*, learning journeys, and course modules.

*The portfolio tab is accessible for the Team subscription and higher.


Under the portfolio tab, you get a clear overview of earned certificates and the associated points. You also immediately see (highlighted in red) if a certificate has expired.

You can filter the results based on the date of achieving the item and the validity of the portfolio item.

Click on a user to open a detailed screen of the relevant portfolio item. From this detailed screen, you can click on the briefcase icon to instantly open the user's portfolio.

If you want to learn more about the function of the portfolio, read this article.

Learning Journey Report

Under the 'learning journeys' tab in reports, you will find a handy overview of the progress and scores of all participants across all learning journeys in your academy.

This can become a long list if you have multiple learning journeys in your academy. Therefore, you probably want to search, sort, or filter!

Search, Sort, and Filter

Let's first see how the search, sort, and filter options can help you quickly request the right data.

Search: This is handy if, for example, you quickly want to see to which learning journey(s) a specific participant has been added and what the progress and achieved score are.
Sort: With the sort function, you can easily sort the overview in order of users or, for example, in order of scores.

Tip: The first time you sort by a certain criterion, the list is displayed alphabetically or in ascending progress/score order. Clicking on the same criterion again will reverse the sorting. For example, if you click once on 'Progress,' users with the least progress will be at the top. Clicking again on the same criterion will put users with the most progress at the top.

Filter: Do you want to limit the number of results in the overview? Then use the filter function. Indicate, for example, that you only want to see the results of one or more specific learning journeys. Or specify '100' for minimum progress, so you only see participants who have completed a learning journey entirely. Combinations of filters are also possible.

How Are Scores Determined?

In the overview of reports for the learning journey, you also see a 'score' column. The score you see here is based on all lessons in the learning journey where you have set the option 'points count towards final score.' The weighting of the course modules is also taken into account in determining the score. You set the weighting of course modules when you added the course module to the learning journey. A course module with a weighting of '2' thus has twice the influence on the score as a course module with a weighting of '1.'

If you want to know exactly how far a participant is in your learning journey, click on the participant's name. A more detailed overview will appear for that participant, where you can see, for example, per module in the learning journey how far the participant is and what the achieved scores are. Here, you also see how much each course module contributes to the displayed score.

Exporting Results

Click on the green export button in the top left to export the progress and scores of your participants to an Excel file. Note: the filter you have set determines what you see in the export. You will receive the export in your email.

Course Module Report

Under the 'course modules' tab in the reports, you see the scores and progress of all participants across all course modules in your academy. Here too, you can, of course, search, sort, and filter.

Click on a user's name to open the user overview. You can then see exactly the course module progress of this person and also you can go to his or her portfolio and profile.

In the old reports you can:
Click on the name of a course module to open the course module as the participant has gone through it. Now, you can see in detail when a learner has seen which part and you can see all the given answers for all assignments.
Want to know when a participant worked on the course module? Click on the number under the 'Duration' column to see an overview of this.

Exporting Results

In the old reports, you can click on the green export button in the top left to create an export to Excel. In this case, you still have the choice of what exactly you want to export:

Now open your email. The download is ready for you!

Adding Categories to Your Report Yourself

When you export a report, you will find the standard columns of information, such as the name of the user, progress in a course module, and the spent duration. But you can also see other user data in this, based on categories you have created yourself.

For example, you will find a column 'organization' in the export so that you can see exactly which organization each user belongs to.

Want to know how to create your own categories so that you can see them in the export? Read this article

What Does the Reset Button Do for Learning Journeys and Course Modules?

You may have noticed that in the reports, both for learning journeys and for course modules, there are reset buttons. You can use these to reset the progress of a participant in a learning journey or in a specific course module.

If you click on the reset button for a user in the 'learning journeys' tab, you reset the progress of all modules in this learning journey to 0% for this specific user.
If you click on the reset button for a user in the 'Course Module' tab, you reset the progress of this course module to 0% for this specific user.

Additionally, you can select multiple or all users (by checking the box in front of the user(s)). You can then reset the progress for all those users at once.

Note: Resetting progress means that participants have to redo the entire course module(s). Any entered answers will be lost. Only do this if you are very sure!

Updated on: 04/10/2024

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