Articles on: General Management

User roles, who can do what?

Users in the system can have different roles. The role determines what a user can see and do. In this article, we describe the differences between these roles.

The Four General User Roles

We use four general roles in Pluvo. The general roles listed below can be assigned to a user when creating an account or later by editing the user’s profile. When you add someone to Pluvo without giving them an admin function, they will automatically be seen as a participant.

1. Trainer

A trainer can be linked to your learning journeys or your offers. This person can manage participants, view and assess submitted assignments, and monitor the results and progress of participants. Additionally, participants in a learning journey can chat with the trainer.

Do you want to add a mentor to your learning journey? Then you must also select the role of trainer here. A mentor has the same permissions as a trainer but is not visible to participants. Therefore, participants cannot initiate a chat with this user (although the mentor can start a chat).

Once you have assigned the role of 'trainer' to your user, go to your learning journey or offers to add them as a trainer/mentor:

Read more about linking trainers or mentors to a learning journey here.

2. Author

The author role allows someone to access the creation of course modules and learning journeys. The author can view all course modules and learning journeys but can only edit them if they own the course module or learning journey. However, exceptions can be made if you want multiple authors to work on a course module or learning journey. You can add an author to a course module or learning journey so that they can edit someone else’s work.

Linking an Author to a Learning Journey

You can link an author to a learning journey as follows:

Go to a learning journey and click on the settings. At the top right, you'll see an icon with two figures labelled "authors". Here, you can add authors.

Linking an Author to a Course Module

You can link an author to a course module as follows:

Go to 'course modules' under management. Click on the relevant course module. At the top right, you’ll see an icon with two figures. Here, you can add one or more authors to your course module. They can now not only view the course module but also edit it.

Good to know: In our video tool (management > videos), you can also link authors to your videos. This allows the person to edit your video and add it to course modules.

3. Manager

A manager has access to the entire platform. This includes learning journeys, modules, organisational data, reports, and user management. The only thing a manager cannot see or edit is the payment information.

4. Owner

Lastly, we have the 'owner' role. An owner can view and manage everything, including payment methods and subscriptions.

Group Manager

In addition to the four general user roles, we also have the role of group manager. Group managers can be added if, for example, you want someone to monitor the progress of a group. The group manager can also chat with the group and view the portfolio (available from the Team subscription) of a participant if it’s been shared with them. You can add group managers by going to a group and clicking on 'add group manager'. Additionally, the group manager can also add and edit new and existing users within a group.

User Data & Roles

Naturally, it is important to properly safeguard user data. Below, we outline which user data is accessible for each role.

Participant: A participant cannot see other participants unless the 'show participants' setting is enabled in a learning journey. Within offers (registration pages), a participant list will only be shown if explicitly enabled in the settings. If the chat feature is used or the discussion element in an assignment module, participant responses will display their names.

Trainer: A trainer can be added to learning journeys, meetings, and webinars to manage participants. By default, a trainer has access to participant data, including all responses, scores, and progress, provided they are linked to the learning journey. If a trainer is added to a meeting, they can register or decline participants and possibly send emails from Pluvo.

Author: The role of the author is to develop materials. This role does not grant additional rights to access user data.

Manager: A manager can view everything in the academy except for the subscription page. A manager has access to the full user list, participant progress, scores, and responses.

Owner: An owner has the same rights as a manager but can also access the subscription page.

Group Manager: A group manager only has access to the data and results of the members of their group. The group manager can add and edit new and existing users in the group.

Updated on: 21/10/2024

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