Articles on: General Management

User roles, who can do what?

User Roles

Users in the system can have different roles, which determine what a user can see and do. In this article, we describe the differences.

The Six General User Roles

We use five general roles in Pluvo. You assign one of these roles to a user when creating their account or when you want to adjust the role later under the user's profile.

1. Participant

Participants always land in the online academy after logging in. All learning paths to which someone is linked are displayed here.

When you add someone to Pluvo without giving them administrative functions, they are automatically considered a participant.

2. Trainer

You can link a trainer to your learning paths or offerings. This person can manage participants, view and assess submitted assignments, and has insight into the results and progress of participants. Additionally, participants in a learning path can chat with the trainer.

If you want to add a mentor to your learning path, you must also check the trainer role. A mentor can do the same as a trainer, but a mentor is not visible to participants. Participants cannot start a chat with this user.

Once you have assigned the 'trainer' role to your user, go to your learning path or offering to add them as a trainer/mentor:

Read more about linking trainers or mentors to a learning path here

3. Author

The author role is to grant someone access to creating lesson modules as well as learning journeys. The author can view all lesson modules and learning journeys but can only edit the modules they own. Exceptions can be made, for example, if you want multiple authors to work on a lesson module or learning journey. You can add an author to a lesson module or learning journey so that they can also edit someone else's module.

Linking an author to a learning journey

Linking an author to a learning journey is done as follows:

Go to the learning journey. Click on the settings of the learning journey. Then, in the top right corner, you will see an icon with two figures saying "authors". You can add the authors here.

Linking an author to a lesson module

Linking an author to a lesson module is done as follows:

Go to 'lesson modules' via administration. Click on the relevant lesson module. Then, in the top right corner, you will see an icon with two figures. Here, you can add one or more authors to your lesson module. They can now not only view but also edit the lesson module.

Good to know: In our video tool (administration > videos), you can also link authors to your videos. This ensures that this person can also edit your video and add it to lesson modules.

4. Planner

The planner's task is to manage the learning paths. This includes managing participants, managing learning paths, and viewing lesson modules to link them to the learning paths. The planner cannot create or edit lesson modules. So, choose the role of author + planner if you want both lesson modules and learning paths to be edited.

5. Manager

A manager has access to the entire platform, including learning paths, modules, organizational data, reports, and user management. The only things a manager cannot see and edit are the payment details.

6. Owner

Lastly, we have the 'owner' role. An owner can view and manage everything, including payment methods and subscriptions.

7. Group Manager

In addition to the six general user roles, we also have the group manager function. You can add group managers if you want someone to be able to view the group's progress, chat with the group, and view a participant's portfolio (from the Team subscription) when shared with them. Add group managers by going to a group and clicking on 'add group manager.' A group manager only has access to the user data and results of the members of his or her group. The group manager can add and edit new and existing users to a group.

Updated on: 02/08/2024

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