Articles on: External Integrations

Linking Shopify or another webshop with Pluvo

Would you like to link Pluvo with your webshop so that students are automatically connected to your e-learning after purchase? Follow the steps below:

Please note:
For a multi-step Zap, you need a paid Zapier account. You can get one for around €20,- and try it for free.
For using a Wix Webshop, you need a Business Basic subscription with Wix. Find more information here.
Ensure you have a Pluvo Team or Company subscription.

Connect with Shopify (or other shop)

Step 1: Pluvo connects through Zapier. Check if your webshop is listed here
For WooCommerce, we've created a detailed description here
For Wix webshops, find instructions here

Step 2: If you don't have a Zapier account yet, create one.
Step 3: Click on 'Make a Zap' in the left menu.
Step 4: Under 'When this happens', look for your webshop. Select the relevant trigger event, usually 'New (paid) order'.

Here's an example for Shopify:

Step 5: The subsequent steps depend on the webshop you're connecting with. Shopify will request to connect your account, while other webshops might have slightly different processes. If unsure, Google 'your webshop provider + Zapier'.

We'll go through this guide using a Shopify connection as much as possible.

Step 6: With Shopify, you can specify when something is considered a 'paid order'. In the example below, you'd want to click 'any' and then select 'paid' because you only want access to your e-learning for actual paying customers.

Step 7: Click continue and then test & review to ensure the app is properly connected.
Step 8: Now, you can filter the 'Paid order' for specific purchased products. Here, you specify that the zap proceeds only if certain Line Item Skus are bought. Choose the next step as 'Zapier filter'.

Here, add one or more Line Item Skus of the Shopify products so that the zap proceeds only with the right products/course lines sold.

You'll find the Shopify SKU for the product under the inventory section or, if you have variants, under the variants section:

Then, place this number in Zapier:

Now, only the 'zaps' with the correct SKUs will proceed.

Tip: Add an extra step
It's smart to add an additional action before connecting Zapier with Pluvo. This action is called 'lowercase email', which ensures that the user's email input is always in lowercase. This way, regardless of how the user writes their email address, it remains consistent.

Click on the plus icon to create a new action and search for 'formatter by zapier'. Then, fill in the following:
Under 'Event', fill in 'text' and proceed to 'set up action'.
Select 'Lowercase' under Transform.
Choose the email address (Email) of the user from Shopify as Input.

Connect with Pluvo and Add User

Step 1: It's time to move to 'do this'. Select Pluvo here.
Step 2: Select search or create user under 'choose action event'. An account needs to be created first before this person can be linked to the e-learning. Select continue.

Step 3: Under 'Choose account', connect your Pluvo account with Zapier. Authorize Zapier to access your Pluvo account.
Step 4: Go to Customize user. The next step asks for a user reference. Here, select the Email from the Zapier formatter.

Step 5: Check 'Create user if it doesn't exist yet'.
Step 6: Under name, select the fields corresponding to the user's name. This can be a single field or, like in the example, the customer first name and customer last name. In that case, click both, ensuring a space between both fields. Ensure a space between both fields if selecting multiple.
Step 7: Again, select the email address from the Zapier formatter under the Email field.
Step 8: Select 'yes' for active. Then click continue.
Step 9: Click test & review to confirm the app's proper connection.

Testing and reviewing will create a user in Pluvo. You can delete this user after the connection.

NOTE: When testing with a user already existing in Pluvo, first add the email address of the user in Pluvo to the external reference.

Add User to E-learning

After creating the user, you'll need to add the user to your e-learning.

Step 1: Click on the plus icon under the zap you just created.
Step 2: Again, select Pluvo under 'choose app'.
Step 3: Under Choose action event, select 'add user to e-learning'.
Step 4: Again, select the appropriate Pluvo account.
Step 5: For User Reference, select the User Reference passed from Pluvo.
Step 6: For e-learning reference, choose the Line item SKU received from the order step. If multiple products are bought, this step will link all the e-learnings.
Step 7: Place the Shopify Skus with the appropriate e-learning in Pluvo. This way, Pluvo knows which e-learning is linked to which product.

Step 8: 'Send invite' is set to true by default. The user receives an email with a training invitation. If you want them to receive only an email from the academy (if you selected true in the 'find or create user' step), select false.
Step 9: Click test & review to ensure the app is properly connected.

Almost Done!

All you need to do now is enable the Zap and test if it works.

Updated on: 13/06/2024

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