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Add lessons and sections to your course module

Adding Lessons and Sections to a Module

A course module often consists of multiple lessons and sections. You can easily create these via the authoring menu at the top left, as demonstrated in the video below ( tip: watch the video in full screen ).

When you click the arrow at the top left, a menu will appear. At the beginning of creating your course module, this menu will be empty. At the bottom, you'll find two buttons. The left button is for creating a lesson, the right button is for creating a section.

A section allows you to organize various lessons, assisting you in structuring your training. Only a lesson can contain actual content.

Compare sections to chapter titles in a book. Just as a chapter in a book bundles pages together to create a structured layout, a section does the same with lessons in your course module.

Adding a Lesson

When adding a lesson, you'll see a settings page. Here, you input the lesson title. You can also add a description, which will be displayed as a subtitle, and an image for the header. Below are other settings discussed in detail.

Other Settings

Count points for final score

This option is crucial when adding a test element to your lesson. Suppose you create a practice test or exercises. You may not want the results to count towards the course grade. Click the box to exclude points from the overall score. In the table of contents, this will appear under the 'practice' section.

Retake from

This only appears when 'count points for the final score' is selected.

If a participant doesn't pass your test, you can automatically offer them a retake. The points from the initial test will be overridden by the retake.

Read more about retakes here.

Immediate Feedback

Immediate feedback on

When immediate feedback is enabled, each question will have a 'responded' button for the participant. Once the participant answers a question, the correct answer or feedback associated with the given answer becomes immediately visible.

Immediate feedback off

When immediate feedback is disabled, each question can be answered without immediate feedback. At the end of the lesson, a button 'finish lesson' will be displayed. Only when the participant clicks this button will the lesson conclude, and they can view the feedback.

Participants can change their answers as many times as they want until they finish the lesson.


If you want participants to complete a lesson within a specific time frame, you can check this option. This is useful, for example, when creating a test and you want participants to have only one hour to complete it.

Initial status

This determines if the lesson or section is visible or hidden. Hidden means the participant won't know about the lesson until the conditions you've set are met.

If the status is 'closed', the participant can see the lesson but can't access it. When all the conditions for this lesson are met, the closed status will change to open.

If you want this lesson always visible, ensure you don't formulate any conditions.

Learn how to set conditions for lessons and sections in this article.

Creating a Section

A section is particularly useful to create a clear division between lessons. Take this example, where ''Step 1: Creating the course module" is a section under which lessons like 'Creating the course module' and 'Adding the ' fall.

Lesson Content

Clicking on a lesson will take you to an (empty) lesson page where you can add various media and assessment items. At the bottom of the page, there are buttons to add these items gradually.

Read here for more about the different types of content you can add.

And here for more about the various types of questions you can add.

Updated on: 06/11/2024

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