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Introduction panel

What is the Introduction Panel?

The introduction panel is the screen your participants see when they enter the academy. If you choose to use an introduction panel, add a title, text, and optionally an image. Then, click 'publish panel.' You can always find the introduction panel by clicking on your profile picture and choosing 'Introduction.'

Using HTML in the Introduction Panel

If you have knowledge of HTML, you can use it in the introduction panel. This allows you to create links to other web pages, among other possibilities. Here are some examples:

Enter or new line<br> for an enter or <br><br> for a new line.Create a fantastic academy with Pluvo. <br><br> Start now!
Linking a word<a href="[url]"> </a>Create your own academy on <a href=""> our website </a>
Bold text<b> </b><b>Enroll now!</b>
Italicized text<i> </i>Creating e-learning is a <i>piece of cake!</i>

Tip! Did you know you can embed a video in your introduction panel? Copy and paste the code below in your introduction panel:

<iframe width="100%" height="auto" style="aspect-ratio: 16 / 9;" src="**<>** "frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Replace the link behind src with your own link. Find the video link in Pluvo via 'manage' > 'videos' > click on the video you want to insert > use the link in the 'video URL' field.

Requesting Additional Information

It's also possible to ask a specific question to your participant upon entry, as shown in the example. For instance, you might want to know the participant's role or department. Follow these steps:

Go to your academy's management by clicking on the gear icon. Then, go to 'Settings' and 'Categories.'
Create a new category or click on an existing one.
Check 'User-adjustable' if you want this category to appear on the introduction screen.
Also, check 'Required' so that someone can save their details only when the field is filled.

Updated on: 16/04/2024

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