Articles on: Additional Modules

Assignment Module

You can add different types of modules to your learning journey. For example, consider lesson modules, videos, and downloads. From our Team subscription onwards, you can also add the assignment module to your learning journey. This allows you to have participants submit files and initiate interactions. In this article, we explain exactly what you can do with it.

What is an assignment?

An assignment is added to your learning journey if you want your participants to be able to submit files and/or if you want them to initiate interactions. As a trainer or (group) manager, you can assign a score to the submitted files. Moreover, you decide whether it is an individual assignment or a joint assignment.

You add an assignment to your learning journey in the same way as you would your lesson modules. You can read this article if you are unsure how to do this.

Below is an example of an assignment module in a learning journey. You can modify the assignment module with the pencil icon, and with the icon showing two people, you can view what participants have submitted.

Fully customizable to your needs

When you add the assignment to your learning journey, you still need to set several options and fill in fields. We briefly go through them below.

Type: first, choose whether you want to use the assignment individually or as a group assignment.

If you choose a group assignment, every participant in your learning journey can upload files and participate in the discussion (if you have enabled it).
If you choose an individual assignment, a participant will not see what other participants have submitted. Discussion can only occur between the specific participant and the trainer or (group) manager.

Then select whether and how you want to assess the assignment. If you choose a score, set a score threshold. If you set the score threshold to 5, scores of 5 and higher are considered sufficient.

File: here you can add a file yourself. Consider including the instructions for your assignment.

Weight of score: here you can set the value of this module relative to other lesson modules and assignments.

Image: here you can upload an image that will be shown with the assignment module in the learning journey.

Availability: Here you set when this module becomes available. The availability automatically takes over the condition you set for the group, but you can also choose to make this part always available or to release it earlier or later than the set condition.


Both participants and trainers and group managers can receive notifications about the assignment. For example, when a file is submitted or when a response is given. These notifications are sent via email. Below is an overview of notifications that can be sent:

ActionByNotification to
Assigning a scoreTrainer or group managerParticipant
File uploadParticipant, trainer or group managerParticipant, trainer or group manager
Response in joint assignmentParticipant, trainer or group managerParticipant, trainer or group manager
Response in individual assignmentTrainer or group managerParticipant
Opening/closing of assignmentParticipant, trainer or group managerParticipant, trainer or group manager

Note: notifications are only sent if the option 'automated updates' is turned on under your profile settings.

Below is an example of a notification that a participant receives:

Turning off notifications

A trainer/group manager can turn off notifications for a specific assignment.
For a group assignment: Click on the icon with two people and then on the bell icon. This will only turn off notifications for yourself.
For an individual assignment: click on the icon with two people and click on a participant. Then click on the bell icon. This will only turn off notifications for yourself.

Who has submitted what?

Especially if you have multiple assignments in your learning journey, it is useful to quickly see which assignments have been submitted by each participant - and which have not. For this, you can use the learning journey matrix. You can find this under the 'participants' tab in your learning journey. In this article we explain how to read the matrix.

Additionally, you can also click on the icon with two people next to your assignment module in the learning journey. You will then see a list of all participants (for an individual assignment), and you can click on them to see what they have submitted or discussed. Here you can also assign a score. After assigning a score, a participant will receive a notification by email.

Examples of applications

Because you can use the assignment both individually and jointly, and you can also vary in the use of the options to upload files and initiate discussions, the assignment can be applied in many ways.

Therefore, we provide you with a number of examples of applications. This way, you know exactly what you can do with the assignment and may also find inspiration for your own learning journey.

Example 1: an individual final assignment

Every year, a group of interns starts within your organization. They use Pluvo during their internship to follow in-depth lesson modules about the organization and the work. At the end of the internship, they must complete an individual final assignment. They submit this via Pluvo, after which they receive a score. As a supervisor, you want to be able to explain the score and answer questions about it. This should only be visible to the respective participant, not to all participants.

You can effectively use an assignment in Pluvo for this.
Choose an individual assignment for the assignment type;
Ensure that you set the assessment field to a score.
Turn on the options to upload files and initiate discussions.

As a trainer, you can also add files yourself. This way, you can upload a comprehensive assessment of the submitted file.

Example 2: initiating a discussion about the content of a lesson module

You have created a learning journey for people with diabetes. In one of the modules, you give your participants advice on how to better maintain a healthy lifestyle. You know that changing behavior is difficult, so you want your participants to give each other tips via a discussion forum. This way, they can also learn from each other's experiences.

For this example, you can add an assignment to your learning journey as follows:
Choose a group assignment for the assignment type;
In the assessment field, choose none.
You can turn off the option to upload files, but enable the option to initiate discussions.

Example 3: a group assignment

You are a trainer at a cultural center, teaching young people how to act. There is a physical meeting every week. Before the start of the next meeting, you want the young people to perform a piece together and film it. They can submit this via Pluvo. You don't find it necessary to initiate discussions since you will extensively discuss the recordings during the physical meeting. You do not want to assign a score, but only indicate whether the young people have successfully completed the assignment.

For this example, you can add an assignment to your learning journey as follows:
Choose a group assignment for the assignment type;
In the assessment field, choose pass/fail.
You turn on the option to upload files. You turn off the option to initiate discussions.

The group assignment can be submitted by one of the young people. When you assign a score, this will be visible to all the young people in the learning journey, regardless of who ultimately submitted the file.

You can see that the assignment is applicable in very different ways. If you are not sure whether the assignment is suitable for your learning question, feel free to ask one of our e-learning experts via the intercom!

Updated on: 27/09/2024

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