The offer page
Managing Offers and Enrollments in Your Academy
On the homepage of your academy, you'll find an icon of a graduation cap. This leads to the offer page. Participants can explore available courses and events for enrollment here, including online webinars, in-person meetings, events, or learning paths. It also displays which courses they are already enrolled in.
Note! Enrollments are available only with a team subscription or higher.
The enrollment offerings are typically divided into enrollments for learning journeys, online courses (course modules) and meetings.
When you open either selection, the enrollments are sorted by date, with upcoming courses and events displayed first. Participants can utilize the search bar and filter function to navigate the course and event offerings. The filter function is available if categories have been set up for your offerings.
To create or edit categories for your offerings, refer to this helpdesk article

Who Can Create an Enrollment?
To create an event or course, you need a manager or author role.
A manager can access all enrollments made by authors for participants.
However, authors can only access the enrollment options they have created themselves. Authors cannot edit each other's enrollments.
Creating Your First Enrollment
A manager or author clicks on the + Meeting or + Offer button in the header of the offers page, and a pop-up window appears. Choose a meeting if you want to create a registration page for a webinar or physical meeting (optionally combined with access to online offers such as a learning journey). Choose offer if you only want to provide access to online learning offers without linking it to a physical or online meeting.
Once you make your selection, you can customize the enrollment by adding details like a title, description, image, location, date & time. Additionally, you can choose to immediately publish your meeting, allowing participants to sign up right away.
If you prefer not to, uncheck this option using the toggle button.

More Settings
Click on more settings to add additional settings to your registration. The options for a meeting are discussed in more detail below. The options for other types of offers may vary slightly.
Categories: If you have created one or more categories for your offers, you can now choose the corresponding value for your offer so it can be filtered and/or displayed as a label to the participant at registration on the homepage. Read this article on how to create a category.
Access: Here you can set whether everyone can register or only certain groups have access to your offers. We explain below how to manage access to your offers.
Trainer: Here you set a trainer who will be displayed to participants of the meeting or learning journey. This way, participants can easily contact the trainer with any questions. You can also use the switch button to indicate if trainers need to approve before someone is officially registered.
Registration options: Here you can enter text that participants see when they have registered. If you only fill in the description for potential participants (this field is found at the top, under the title of your offer) and not the description for registered participants, the participant will see the potential description even after registration. Furthermore, you set here if a trainer must approve the registration of a participant, if participants can see the participant list, and if a waiting list should be created when the maximum number of registrations is reached.
Certificates: Optionally add a certificate here that will be awarded after attending the event.
Learning journeys: Here you can link a learning journey to a registration and give participants access to the course materials after registration. Don't want to link a learning journey? Leave this field blank.
Course modules: Here you can link a course module to a registration. Registration for a course module offer now happens automatically when you go to the course module.
SCORM: Here you can add a SCORM file that you want to give participants access to.
Videos: Here you can add videos that you want to give your participants access to.
Related events: Check this option if you want to create a detail page for your offer. With a detail page, you can group related events. After creating the current event, you can add other (online) meetings to the same detail screen. An example of a detail page can be seen in the photo below:

Note! A learning path doesn't automatically open when the enrollment does. You need to set this manually within the learning path. For setting conditions within a learning path, refer to our detailed helpdesk article
Managing Access to Offerings

When editing or adding an offering, under More settings, you can adjust access. This allows you to limit visibility for specific users and precisely define who sees what. As an administrator, you can also assign an offering to a participant. You can add multiple rules to your access.
Step 1: Firstly, add labels as categories to your group. In the example above, we used the label Location and Specialty.
Step 2: * Create various groups in your academy and link the appropriate label to them. For example, all employees from Amsterdam in the group
Amsterdam, with the Location label.
Step 3: * In the offerings, you can then select groups based on the categories you've created. In the example, we've selected the location Amsterdam and specialties Bicycle Mechanic and Doctor.
Now, with filtering applied, this offering item will be displayed only to a selected group of people. The screenshot below explains how this precisely works:

In this scenario, the offering item will be displayed only to the following combinations:
A person in the groups Utrecht & Doctor.
A person in the groups Amsterdam and Doctor.
A person in the groups Utrecht & Police Officer.
A person in the groups Amsterdam & Police Officer.
Editing the Detail Page
If you've checked the detail page option under related events, you can add additional content using the “Edit” button. When clicked, you'll find a menu to add images, links to other pages, and documents. This way, you can give participants a sneak preview before they start your event.

Enrollment Ready
Participants can now enroll via the homepage and add the enrollment to their digital calendar, ensuring they're present on the correct date!

Questions about enrollment offerings? Or curious how to tailor this feature to your needs? Schedule an appointment with one of our e-learning experts.
Email Notifications
Notifications can be sent to trainers or participants at different moments regarding the offerings. The email templates can be customized via management > settings > emails. We'll briefly go through the various templates:

Registrations: Absence. Sent when you, as the trainer, indicate that the participant was absent from the meeting.
Registrations: Attendance. Sent when you, as the trainer, indicate that the participant was present at the meeting.
Registrations: Cancelled. Sent when you cancel a meeting.
Registrations: Enrolled. Sent when a participant has successfully registered for the offer.
Registrations: Message. Sent when you send a message to a participant from the participant list of your offer.
Registrations: Pending. Sent when a participant attempts to register for a meeting that requires approval.
Registrations: Time Changed. Sent when there is a change in the date of the meeting for which someone has registered.
Registrations: Unenrolled. Sent when a participant is unregistered from a meeting.
Registrations: Waitlist. Sent when the participant limit of your meeting has been reached and you have enabled the 'waitlist' option.
Unenrolling from Offers by Participants
Participants can also unenroll from an offer. For webinars and meetings, they can unenroll until the enrolment date or the first start date. For lesson modules and learning paths, they always have this option.
General settings offers
Via management > offers, you can change several settings regarding the complete offers, such as:
Changing the title of the offers
Adjusting the header image
Publishing or disabling the offers so that they are no longer visible to participants
Determining which pages within the offers are visible

Reports on the offers
Under the reports, you will find various tabs. In the Offers and Meetings tab, you can see the progress of all online materials linked to the offering item or sessions.
Updated on: 29/01/2025
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