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Sorting Question: Point System

In this article, we explain how the score for a sorting question is determined. Here are the main aspects:

How it Works:

What the System Does:
The system looks at the answers you have given and compares them with the correct order.
Checking the Answers:
First, the system checks if you have used all the answers and if they match the possible answers.
Relationships Between Answers:
The system examines the order of your answers.
Each time an answer is immediately followed by the correct answer (as it should be), it counts as a correct relationship.
Calculating the Score:
If all your answers are in the correct order, you get the maximum score.
If not everything is correct, you get a portion of the maximum score. This depends on how many of your answers are in the correct order.

Let's take an example with six answers where at least two answers are in the correct order. We will explain the score calculation process using this example.

Example with Six Answers

Assume the correct order of the answers is A, B, C, D, E, F.
User Provides Answers:
Let's say the user places the answers in the following order: A, B, D, C, E, F.
Check the Order:
Now we compare the given order with the correct order to see which pairs are correctly placed.
Identify Correct Relationships:
In this order, there are four correct relationships:
Between Start and A
Between A and B (because B directly follows A in the correct order).
Between E and F (because F directly follows E in the correct order).
Between F and End
Total Number of Possible Relationships:
For six answers, the total number of possible relationships is 6 + 1 = 7.
Percentage of Correct Relationships:
There are 4 correct relationships out of 7 possible, so 4/7 of the relationships are correct.
Calculate the Points:
If the maximum number of points for the question is 10, then the user gets 4/7 of 10, which is approximately 5.7 points.

Summary of the Example

Correct Order: A, B, C, D, E, F
Given Order: A, B, D, C, E, F
Correct Relationships: 4 (First A, between A-B and E-F, Last F)
Total Possible Relationships: 7
Percentage Correct: 4/7 ≈ 57%
Maximum Points: 10
Calculated Points: ≈ 5.7 points

In this example, the user gets approximately 5.7 points for correctly placing four relationships out of the seven possible. This calculation indicates how accurately the participant has placed the answers in the desired order.

Updated on: 10/07/2024

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