Articles on: Learning Journeys

Quick start: from idea to e-learning

You want to create an e-learning. That's where you're at. But then a lot of information comes your way. You can use the step-by-step plan below as a guide when building your e-learning in Pluvo. This ensures that you are doing the right things in a logical order.

The most important steps are included. Of course, there is much more possible in Pluvo. Check our other articles for more information or contact us.

Step 1: Creating an Online Academy

If you haven't created your own academy on Pluvo yet, this is the first step. Using this link, you create an account with your name and email address and set up your own web address. Maybe you're not entirely sure about the web address yet – no worries, it can always be adjusted later.

While creating your academy, you can also set up some academy settings right away, such as adding your own logo. These can be changed later as well.

Step 2: Follow the Demo

When you log in, you'll land on the homepage. Click on 'manage learning journeys' to find a demo e-learning about Pluvo ("A quick start in Pluvo"). In this demo, we explain step by step how to create a learning journey and a course module. If you choose to complete the assignments, you'll immediately start working on your own learning journey and course module.

Step 3: Create a Learning Journey

Demo followed? Now it's time to create our first learning journey! From the homepage, click on the 'New' button in the upper right corner and select 'Learning Journey'.

Read more about creating a learning journey here.

Give your learning journey a title and choose or upload another header image if necessary. You can create your learning journey or take a look at the other choices you can make under 'more settings'. You can always change the settings later.

Step 4: Add a course module to Your Learning Journey

It's time to fill our learning journey with different components. For most Pluvo users, the course module is one of the most important components of their learning journey. This is where real learning takes place through various content and assignment forms.

Want to know what a course module is? Read this article.

Click on 'course module' and then on 'Create course module.' You'll see that you can start with a blank course module or use a template. The templates are very useful because you immediately have a good example of a course module and can customize it as you wish. So let's start with a template!

Step 5: Adjust Structure

Once you've chosen the template, you'll enter the course module. A course module consists of sections (think of them as chapters) with lessons (pages with content and assignment forms) falling within them.

In the course module, you can click on 'Overview' in the upper left corner to view the content of the course module.

Now you can adjust the titles of the sections and lessons. Place your mouse on the title of one of the lessons (in the expanded gray bar) to see an icon with sliders. Click on it to open the settings of that lesson and to change the title. You can also delete the lesson here. Similarly, you can place your mouse on a section title to adjust it.

Of course, you can also add new sections or lessons!

a) Add a section. Click on 'Add section.' Give your section a clear title!

b) Add the lesson(s) under this section. The lesson is the page where the content forms will be placed. The easiest way to add a lesson directly under a section is to place your mouse on the section title without clicking. A plus sign will appear to the right of the section title. If you click on it, a new lesson will immediately fall under the section. In this way, you create a section, add lessons under it, and then proceed with a new section. Use this method to create the entire structure of your course module.

Note: You can also click on the 'Add Lesson' button. However, this doesn't immediately indicate that the lesson belongs to the section. The result is that a blank line appears between the section and the lesson. If this happens, simply place your mouse on the lesson title. Three small dots will appear on the left side, allowing you to drag the lesson under the section.

Step 6: Add Content

Click on the title of a lesson. You will now find a row of buttons at the bottom of your screen. The first six buttons are content forms, and the six buttons on the right are the different assignment forms.

In our helpdesk, you can find explanations of all content and assignment types.

Once you've built all the content, you can also customize your course module in your corporate design. In figure 6, you see the icon of a paintbrush. If you click on it, you'll find the menu to set the background color, select fonts, and font sizes. In the settings of your lessons (click on the slider when you place your mouse on the title of a lesson), you can also add headers.

Step 7: Publish

Satisfied with your course module? Then you can publish it so that your users can see the most recent version of your course module. After publishing, click on the cross in the upper right to return to the learning journey. Don't forget to click save on the next screen so that your course module is actually linked to your learning journey.

Your course module will be added to a so-called 'module group.' Module groups help bring structure to your learning journey. Moreover, you can later set conditions for when the content within a module group can be revealed. For example, a second module group might only open on a specific date.

Tip! Click on the pencil next to 'unnamed group' to change the name of the module group. Use the pencil next to the course module to, for example, add an image to your course module that your participants will see in the learning journey.

Step 8: Add Other Components to Your Learning Journey

So far the course module. In addition to course modules, you can link other components to your learning journey. Click on 'Add Module' for this.

Note: When you click on 'Add Module,' you add the component to the same module group as your course module. If you want to place the component in another module group, first click on the plus sign at the very bottom of the page to create a new module group.

Step 9: adding users to a learning journey.

To your learning journey, you can finally add your users. Go to the 'participants' heading and click on the plus sign. You then have the choice of adding existing or new users here. If you want to add an existing user, a screen will slide open allowing you to select and add users.

In case you would like to add a new user who does not yet exist in Pluvo, another screen slides out where you can enter this person's details. Then you can also choose to send this person a general invitation to the academy, or an invitation to the learning journey. You can also tick both options. Click save, and the new user is added to the learning journey.

Furthermore, you can also immediately see the participants' progress here. Want to know more about progress and reports to get a deeper insight? Then read our article participant progress.

Tip: Want to edit the invitation text of the mail? You can do so in the administration under 'e-mails'.

If you follow this step-by-step plan, you will create the basis of your e-learning in a logical order. Of course, it would go too far to discuss everything possible in Pluvo here. There are additional steps to add, such as filling the library with reference material and extra depth. For this we refer you to the targeted articles in the helpdesk.

Updated on: 04/09/2024

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