Articles on: Course modules
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Publishing a course module

Is your course module ready? Great! There's just one more thing to do: publish the course module! To do this, click on 'publish' in the top right corner, optionally add a note, and click on 'publish draft'.

Why publish?

Only when you publish a new version of your course module will it become visible to your participants. As long as you haven't clicked on publish, your participants will continue to see the last published version.

What if a participant had already started?

If a participant had already started the course module, they will continue working in the version that was published at the time they began. This ensures that no data is lost. Imagine if you changed the scoring or removed a lesson. It would be frustrating for the participant who doesn’t understand where their data has gone!

So if the course module is modified (for example, if the author adjusts questions and/or conditions in the course module), the participant will not be affected.

Resetting progress

If the trainer wants to move participants from an older version of the course module to the latest version, the trainer will need to reset the progress.

Note: all progress will be reset. All answers will be deleted, and the participant will have to retake the course module.

There are multiple ways to reset a participant's progress, such as via the participant tab in the learning journey or through the reporting section in the admin panel. The latter can be done as follows:

Open the admin panel (via the gear icon in the top right corner of the homepage) and navigate to the reporting page.
Open the course modules tab.
Use the search bar or apply the search filters on the right-hand side to find the correct users.
Select one or more results and click on the arrow icon to reset the progress.

Updated on: 13/02/2025

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