Setting conditions for a lesson or section
Setting Conditions in a Course Module

One of the unique features of Pluvo is the ability to set conditions within a course module. These conditions enable you to precisely design personalized learning paths.
Conditions can be set at the lesson or section level within course modules. To set conditions, click on the overview at the top left (1). Then, move your mouse over the lesson or section. Sliders will appear on the right side, next to the title (2). Click on these sliders and scroll down. Here, you can add conditions.
Initial Status
This determines whether the lesson or section is visible or hidden. Hidden means the participant is unaware of the lesson's existence until the defined conditions are met.
If the status is 'closed', the participant can see the lesson but cannot access it yet. When all conditions for that lesson are met, the 'closed' status changes to 'open'.
All or Any of the Conditions
The choice between 'all of the below conditions' or 'any of the below conditions' determines whether the different conditions must all or partially be met before the lesson is opened. The sets of conditions you can create here are varied and, if used strategically, can result in a unique and valuable course.
Multiple Conditions

Completed Lesson
This condition opens the lesson when a specific lesson is completed, enabling you to enforce a sequence for the participant.
For example: Complete lesson 1 before accessing lesson 2.
Points or Score in a Lesson
This condition can be very detailed as it allows setting both minimum and maximum points. This way, you can open additional material if someone finds something difficult or very easy.
It's recommended to use scores per lesson, as you only need to fill in the percentages. This way, you don't have to think about the points allocated to each question.
Lesson Status Available
This condition functions somewhat like a copy function. If the chosen lesson is opened (for example, lesson 2 is opened when the test from lesson 1 is passed), then another lesson will also open (for example, lesson 3).
Points/Score in a Question from a Lesson
Using these conditions, you can specifically determine the sequence of your course. The answer to a single question can completely change the course progression. Suppose you want lesson X to open only if question 1 from lesson Y is answered correctly.
Open the settings of lesson X, select this condition, and the question to link the opening of this lesson. Your user must have answered this question correctly to open this lesson. If it's a very difficult question, it might lead to a harder lesson. If someone answers the question incorrectly, it might lead to an easier lesson.
Answer to Question from a Lesson
This condition allows for very personalized learning paths. For instance, ask your participants with a multiple-choice question about what they want to learn more about. If they answer A, direct them to lesson A. If they answer B, automatically lead them to lesson B.
Updated on: 05/04/2024
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