Articles on: Learning Journeys

Create a learning journey

Create Your Learning Journey

Creating a learning journey is simple from the screen you see after logging in.

To create a learning journey, click on the 'new' icon and then on learning journey.

A window will open on the right side.

On this page, choose a cover image (1440px x 300px) for your learning journey, enter a title, and select a color for the title. You can upload your own image by clicking 'upload image' or choose a preset by clicking on the arrows.

The title is what your learners will see as the name of your learning journey. By clicking on the droplet, you can choose the color for this title.

You can then start filling your learning journey!

More Settings

Click on more settings to add extra settings to your learning journey. The options are discussed in more detail below:


Under the 'General' section, you can add information to your learning journey that will be displayed on the homepage. This makes it clearer for participants what to expect from your learning journey.

Subtitle: The subtitle will be placed below the title of your learning journey. If you don't want to add a subtitle, you can leave this field empty.
Homepage Image: This is the image (400px x 150px) that will be shown in the learning journey overview on your academy's homepage.

Expected Time: How long does an average participant spend on this learning journey? Optionally, you can fill this in here. The time (e.g., 1 hour) you enter here will be displayed as a label for your learning journey and on the homepage.

Pass Mark: Set the minimum score a participant must achieve to successfully complete your learning journey. You can leave this field empty if the score is not applicable for completing the learning journey.


You can use categories to add extra labels to the learning journey on the homepage. For example, adding the label E-learning. Participants can then easily search for learning journeys related to E-learning.

Instructions for creating learning journey categories are explained in this helpdesk article under the 'learning journeys' section. If you have created one or more categories for your learning journey, you can now select the appropriate value so you can filter and/or display it as a label to participants on the homepage.


Use the switches to indicate how participants and trainers can interact within the learning journey.

Participants Visible: When enabled, participants can see who else is in the learning journey and can start a 1-on-1 chat with each other.
Group Chat: If enabled, a group chat will be created where all participants in your learning journey can interact.
Shared Files: This can be seen as a sort of Dropbox for the learning journey. If enabled, trainers and participants can upload files that are visible to everyone. If you choose to disable this, this tab will not be visible in the learning journey.


In the access section, you can set whether a learning journey is active and when the learning journey is visible.

Active: Once you set the learning journey to active, it will be visible to participants added to the learning journey. If you don’t want this yet, uncheck it with the switch.
Start and End Date: These fields determine when a participant has access to the learning journey. If the learning journey should always be available, you do not need to fill anything in here. Note: If the start date of your learning journey is in the future, your participants will not see the learning journey.


With a paid account, you can integrate with external applications like webshops and CRMs. If you do not wish to integrate with external applications, you do not need to fill anything in here.

In the 'Reference' field, you can add the ID provided by the external application. Want to know more about integrations? Check out these helpdesk articles.
After saving these settings, you can continue assembling your learning journey with modules 😃

Add Modules to Your Learning Journey

Once you have created the learning journey, you can start adding the first modules to your learning journey, such as a course module, video, or assignment. Click on '**more modules**' to add other types of modules to your learning journey. The different options are discussed in more detail below.

Course Module

In the course module, you can create lessons with content such as text, images, videos, or audio recordings. You can also choose to add quiz questions.

New Course Module: Here you can directly create a new course module. Clicking this will take you to the course module editor. Learn more about course modules here.
Existing Course Module: If you have already created a course module, click this button to add your course module to the learning journey. If you want the course module to count more towards the final score, you can also adjust the weighting here.

Good to know: The image (600px x 424px) you see with a course module within your learning journey can be easily changed. Go to 'course modules' in the management, click on the title of the course module, and then click on 'settings' at the top._


Add an assignment to your learning journey if you want your learners to submit files and/or start interactions. As a trainer or (group) manager, you can assign scores to the submitted files. You also decide whether it is an individual or group assignment.

You can see at a glance who has already submitted the assignment and who still needs to complete it.

This article explains how to set up an assignment.


You can also add videos to your learning journey. For example, give your learning journey a personal touch by creating a welcome video.

Note: You can upload a video or add videos you have already uploaded to Pluvo. This can only be done with a paid subscription (professional or higher).


Here you can offer a download, such as a PDF or Word file that your participants can download.

Simple, effective, and applicable for multiple purposes. For example, consider a webinar/conference call with Google Meet, Zoom, or Microsoft Teams. Or link to an external website.


Of course, you want to reward a participant when a learning journey is completed. Add a certificate and specify the conditions under which a participant should receive it.

LTI Module

If you want to link to an external e-learning, you can use this option. With the LTI integration, you can link without the need for separate logins.


You can also add SCORM files to your learning journey. Read more about this in this article.


If you have a physical appointment, add the location and a description. The participant will then see a map in the learning journey.

Webhook Module

With Zapier, you can integrate Pluvo with your webshop or CRM and automate processes such as creating users.

Want to know how to do this? Search in the helpdesk for 'Zapier' to find multiple articles about it.

With the Webhook module in your learning journey, you can further expand the capabilities of Zapier. This allows you to activate zaps (tasks in Zapier) based on conditions. For example, you can set it so that a second learning journey automatically opens when the previous learning journey is completed.

Change Order

To change the order, simply grab the element and drag it to the desired location. This works for individual modules as well as module groups.


Want to see how participants view the learning journey? At the top, you can choose whether to view the preview or not. If you have closed or hidden modules, use the 'preview' function to check if your learners see the learning journey as you intended. Want to make some adjustments? Click on the 'gear' icon to go back to the management of your learning journey.

Updated on: 07/10/2024

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