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Assessment item: Self test

In the self-assessment, unlike other assignments, it's not so much about 'right' or 'wrong'. It is more about self-awareness. The intention in the self-assessment is for a learner to consistently select the option from a set of answer choices that most applies to them. These answer options are linked to a specific underlying category.
Once all answers are given, a score per category can be displayed.


Let's make that a bit more concrete. Suppose I want to know what role someone should play in an e-learning development process. I could then present the following questions:

When a learner answers 'coming up with new ideas' to the first question, their score for the underlying category creative mastermind' will increase. The score per category is shown when all questions are answered.

Creating a Question

Follow the steps below to learn how to build a self-assessment.

Formulate the question and, if desired, provide general feedback. General feedback is always shown after answering the question.

Fill in the fields 'Max. options' and 'Max. points.' The 'Max. options' field indicates how many answers a learner can check. For example, if set to '2', a learner can select two answer options per question.

Add the categories. This is what a learner will be scored on.

Next, add all the questions and answer options. Under the '1' tab, the first question with all answer options is added. Each answer option must be linked to a category to calculate scores.

Now, move on to tab '2' and add another question with its associated answer options. Continue this process until all questions and answers are included. With one final click on 'save,' your self-assessment is ready!

Updated on: 11/04/2024

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