Articles on: Single Sign-on
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SSO with AFAS Profit

With Pluvo, you can easily set up Single Sign-On (SSO) for your academy. In this article, we explain how to retrieve the necessary information from AFAS.
Once you have this information, you can easily implement Single Sign-On (SSO) in Pluvo. You can find more information about this in this article.

Note: For the following steps, you need to have an administrator account for AFAS and a Company subscription with Pluvo.

Settings in your AFAS portal

Log in to as a Portal Administrator.

Go to Management / External application.

Fill in the required fields as follows:
URL: or your own custom domain name
Redirect Url: or your own custom domain name + /oidc/callback/

After saving the information, copy the Client ID and Client Secret. You will need this information for the configuration in Pluvo.

More help can be found on the following AFAS Helpdesk page:

Pluvo SSO Settings

Go to Pluvo and navigate to Management > Settings > SSO & LTI. Fill in the following fields:
OAuth Client id: ..... [You obtained this above]
OAuth Client secret: ....... [You obtained this above]

The following fields should be filled in with the standard AFAS SSO parameters:

Authorization endpoint:
Token endpoint:
User endpoint: -- Leave this blank --
Scope: openid email
Oidc sign algo: RS256
Oidc op jwks endpoint:

Fill in the fields, click "Save," and set the slider to "active."

Updated on: 12/08/2024

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